Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Division of Organic Chemistry will organise a virtual symposium in collaboration with the European Journal of Organic Chemistry on the occasion of the Spring Day 2021.
Emily BALSKUS(Harvard University, USA) Deciphering the human microbiota using chemistry
Jonathan CLAYDEN(University of Bristol, UK) Function from folded molecules: communication and reactivity
Daniele LEONORI(University of Manchester, UK) Photoinduced assembly of C–N and C–C Bonds
DCO Awards 2020
Angélique FERRY(Université CY Cergy-Paris) Prix Emergence Marc JULIA Access to C-branched glycosides by metal-catalyzed functionalization of glycal substrates
Clément GHIAZZA(ICBMS, Université Lyon) Prix thèse Dina SURDIN Fluoroalkyl-toluene-selenosulfonates: highly versatile reagents
Jean-François SOULÉ(Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes) Prix Jeune Chercheur Jean-Pierre SAUVAGE Catalysts "upgranding" using C-H bond functionalization
Arnaud VOITURIEZ(Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles, Gif-sur-Yvette) Prix Chercheur Confirmé Jean-Marie LEHN Organocatalytic and asymmetric processes via P(III)/P(V) redox cycling
Our DCO awardees are invited to contribute an article to a Special Collection Issue of the European Journal of Organic Chemistry. Please see the link for more information: